
WhatsApp Group Blaster v4.1

Original price was: $450.Current price is: $310.

You can send text, image, vCard, audio, video, documents. WhatsApp Group Blaster is perfect for building a business anywhere in the world through the creation of an advertising agency on the mailing lists and information as well as their potential customers. Software is create groups and send messages in groups.



  • License key valid for 6 months!
  • if we have updated version and your license still alive, you can get free update!
  • Any WhatsApp software need hash channels (accounts) to work.
  • No free channels given when updated coming, we only given free 10 channels on the first buying for testing only.
  • After tested channels goes blocked or banned, You can buy channels or create channels (use any kind of WART)
  • You can get discount price 10% for extend if you do extend before your license EXPIRED

You can send text, image, vCard, audio, video, documents. WhatsApp Group Blaster is perfect for building a business anywhere in the world through the creation of an advertising agency on the mailing lists and information as well as their potential customers. Software is create groups and send messages in groups.


  • Send messages on all WhatsApp platform (Android, iPhone and others)
  • Text, image (jpg, png), location, vCard, audio (mp3), video(avi, mp4), document (txt, pdf, csv, doc)
  • Autosave report
  • Encoding messages (End-to-End Encryption)
  • Don’t need Android emulators!!!
  • Easy to use
  • Set Profile Picture on channel and group
  • Create Group and send messages, then leave group




v4.1 (30/01/2024):

– Updated WhatsApp API
– Added Iphone constants
– Added: built-it GCM service (now not need android emulator)


System requirements:

– Windows 7 (with installed all updates), 8, 8.1, 10 (Windows XP not supported)
– 50 Mb free space on hard disk
– good internet connection
– installed microsoft visual c++ 2015 redistributable.
– installed Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5

Any WhatsApp software need channels to work. You can buy channels or create channels (use WART RECOVERY).
WART RECOVERY is good choice for using on this software.





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